Latest Episodes
Episode 40
June 09, 2023
Would you know a sex offender if you met him? Not likely.
How often have you heard church peeps say, "We're not worried about child protection issues. After all, we're a small church, everyone knows everyone,...
Episode 39
June 09, 2023
Pedophile Aaron Solomon continues with Merrill Lynch
Some time ago, as public awareness of the allegations against Aaron Solomon became public, the Nashville office of Merrill Lynch quietly removed Solomon’s micro-site...
Episode 38
June 09, 2023
Ending the lie that all are welcome in the Episcopal church
The Episcopal church, like many, runs on a series of myths about itself. Some of these myths are good. Others, not so much. And...
Episode 37
June 09, 2023
Matching donation pushes Grant Solomon reward to $20,000
Thanks to a generous matching donation, the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer(s) of Grant Solomon has now...
Episode 36
June 09, 2023
Breaking: Reward in Death of Grant Solomon Increases to $15,000
Thanks to the generosity of donors, the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer(s) of Grant Solomon has increased...
Episode 35
June 09, 2023
Fugitive chair of Haiti standing committee holds Zoom, calls for election of new bishop
You can't make this stuff up. The Rev. Jean Madoché Vil, wanted by the Haitian government for his alleged role in arms smuggling into...