Episode 72

October 04, 2023


Hear Amy Curle discuss how to cover up Gracie’s sexual abuse

Hosted by

Eric Bonetti
Hear Amy Curle discuss how to cover up Gracie’s sexual abuse
Anglican Watch: Unofficial Watchdog of the Episcopal Church
Hear Amy Curle discuss how to cover up Gracie’s sexual abuse

Oct 04 2023 | 00:44:48


Show Notes

Want to hear Grace Christian Academy's Amy Curle talk about how to cover up Gracie Solomon's sexual abuse? In this recording, we can hear the exact conversation.

We have not in any way changed the recording. An AI-generated transcript is included with the post.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:38] Speaker A: Ram. What it did that size work? Large. Yep. And I think he has them grow into it. Good. I must have been pulling wrong. No, it does that to me, too. It gets caught or something. [00:02:58] Speaker B: Okay. [00:02:59] Speaker A: I must have been pulling wrong. [00:03:02] Speaker B: It's very sneaky. And, like, as soon as we hit the button, it locks right back. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Well, that's what I heard. I could hear it. I could hear it. [00:03:15] Speaker B: I'm sorry if we've set Gracie yesterday. I was really trying to do that at all, and I thought she was okay. Like, I thought she got what we were saying. Yeah, but these are such adult things. It's not always clear in a child, know, even if she's dealing with adult things. What I was trying to say to her was I even asked her, I said, how do you want to handle this? It's your life, and people are talking. I want to protect you and your reputation. [00:04:00] Speaker C: You're in there with all the kids. [00:04:02] Speaker B: Do you have a situation? [00:04:05] Speaker A: No. [00:04:05] Speaker B: So, I mean, it wasn't like interrogation. It was just like, hey, I want. [00:04:12] Speaker A: To help you get a handle on it. [00:04:15] Speaker B: But that's not what she heard, obviously. [00:04:18] Speaker A: I got that from other mothers, I guess. Just questioning who's been talked. I don't really even know what brought this conversation. Oh, that means something. Right? Right. [00:04:31] Speaker B: That's a good song. [00:04:32] Speaker A: I know, you're right. And then we're not supposed to kill her. Now that we've got her, we're not. [00:04:38] Speaker B: Supposed to kill her. Cool. Fly away, little buggy. [00:04:45] Speaker A: I'm always afraid to. I was like, well, I don't know. [00:04:48] Speaker B: But then when they land on Amy. [00:04:50] Speaker A: When they're screaming, when there's 4 million of them, then I'm like, no, wait a minute. This is a little mug. Yes. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Come on. I have the heater on because it's freezing. I probably need to turn it off. [00:05:12] Speaker A: Yeah, well, it's getting ready to be that time of year, too, so in the pharmacy, I always have a heater on, even in the summer because it's so cold back. [00:05:19] Speaker B: It's always cold in here. I use that probably more in the summer than I do the winter. They freeze me. [00:05:28] Speaker A: Yes. [00:05:29] Speaker B: So anyway, I'm just telling her a little bit of we were trying to come alongside Gracie, but really where it's coming from is that we're having parents reach out to us. I've had three parents over the weekend that said my child came to me and asked me, what is sexual abuse? Where is this coming from? A lot of kids are being affected by what she's gone through and what she's telling people. And then they're so young. We're talking about ten and eleven year olds, so they don't know what to do with and then they go tell somebody else. And then it's like, I just don't want it to become the talk of this core, to grow a life of its own for her. How do we contain this so that for her sake, number one, because it isn't just about 6th grade for her, you know what I mean? These are her peers all the way up. And so I don't want something that's going to be detrimental to her that's going to follow. She's not thinking of the future she's thinking of right now, but I'm thinking of the future and how this is going to follow her with her peers. And then I also have to think about other students who are now having to deal with this with their parents, which if they're going talking to their parents, that's great, and your parents can help you deal with it. But I'm sure not all of them go to their parents. [00:07:05] Speaker C: Right. And we were trying to squash that as far as like we don't want other students then going and talking to. So I did ask her other students. [00:07:17] Speaker B: Who have you told? And I didn't say who have you told that your dad's sexual abuse? I didn't use that word. I didn't say that in front of her. I just said who have you talked to about so and she mainly just. [00:07:30] Speaker C: Said. [00:07:33] Speaker B: Sydney and Olivia. She did mention Maggie's name a little bit too, right. [00:07:39] Speaker C: And she said maybe Maggie's talked to it was like, actually she hasn't, she hasn't said anything to me. And I did just so you know, I did ask, you know, because I wanted to make sure that if Maggie, they had had that conversation that she knew we don't talk about that outside of and so unfortunately, she continued to say like, no, Gracie has never said anything to me, which made me feel really good. But she had heard something from other people. Yeah. Again, I didn't hear the beginning of your conversation, but I do want to reiterate our goal yesterday was absolutely, it was not about being upset with her in any way. We wanted to make sure that one, she felt okay and that she wasn't surprised if then all of a sudden she heard, you know what I mean, if somebody came up to her and said, oh, I heard this, we didn't want her to be like, where did that come from? We really, really wanted to protect her. And then meeting with the other students. [00:08:46] Speaker B: Was to say like, let me tell you know, I asked Gracie specifically, did you tell any boys? Because we got a call from a parent of a boy this weekend who was asking his parents what that meant. And she said, no, I hadn't had any boys about it. So we called in one boy who we knew that he knew because he had told someone else. I said, hey buddy, you're not in any trouble at all. We just want to make sure you're okay. But we know that you've been talking about know and he said that Gracie told him over text. He said Gracie told him directly over text that her father had sexually abused her and he cares about her. He's hurting for her. He genuinely cares and wants to help and is hurt that anything like that would have happened to her. So it was like, man, we kind of played dumb. Like, I don't want to tell them anything that they don't know. I just said, this is not something tell anybody. Don't go talking about it for Gracie. If you care about her, don't tell anybody else. Talk to your parents about mean, that's basically it. And the only reason I pulled him in, if Gracie had said yes, I told this boy, I wouldn't have even pulled him in. The only reason I pulled him in is I wanted to know who was spreading rumors so that we could talk to that person and he had told someone else. Did you see the no, no. [00:10:44] Speaker A: Because Gracie doesn't even know the term sexual abuse. [00:10:48] Speaker B: Well, there's several people that are saying that she said that okay. That she was sexually abused by her dad. Yeah. [00:11:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:11:05] Speaker B: I'm not going to ask any more questions. I don't want to go down this. I dealt with the parents who. [00:11:12] Speaker C: Had. [00:11:12] Speaker B: Come to us, but I do know that at least three boys know and several girls, and I'm really concerned because they don't know what to do with it and they can't hold it in. So they tell one person that they trust, and then they tell and not. [00:11:33] Speaker C: Understanding that how sensitive it says yes, how sensitive that it is. [00:11:41] Speaker B: And that's what we tried to talk to Gracie about was like, you need to choose who you talk to about this very carefully. You need to talk about it's important. We're not telling you not to talk about it. You need to process this with adults, with counselors, and maybe one friend that you really, really trust that would never, ever tell anybody. Maybe like Olivia, just because Olivia's been there. [00:12:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:04] Speaker B: And I feel like they're really wise to be really careful because really the. [00:12:11] Speaker C: Ultimate was what I would love to see, and this may sound very naive, but I want to see this environment here return to normal for her. Do you know? It's not like and I don't want it. I'm in fear of something always being said. That was really the heart behind we want this to super. [00:12:33] Speaker B: We want to be giving her the same advice that you are. We want to be saying the same. So, you know, I said a little bit yesterday, but that's why I just wanted to sit down and talk and say, what are you saying to her? What do you said? [00:12:48] Speaker C: And Rhoda even kind of said to Gracie, like, what would you like, help me kind of think through what would be a good reason. She didn't really she might have just felt a little like. [00:13:04] Speaker B: I want her input. [00:13:05] Speaker C: This is her life, these are her peers. [00:13:08] Speaker B: And if there's something doesn't have to even involve us. But if there's something that can be done that would help and I think. [00:13:15] Speaker C: Maybe we can jump on the side of being very cautious about wanting to really protect her. And maybe it felt a little bit like maybe it felt differently to her. That certainly wasn't the intention. The intention was to let her know, we want this to be, say, hurt you. [00:13:36] Speaker B: For your own sake. I'm just trying to think, feeling it's just one thing after another. I know that. And so it's hard to think, but I'm sitting here thinking from not just a school perspective, but from a mom who's raised daughters. I'm looking at Gracie's next six years, not just right know, and the things that are said and opinions that are formed, all of that is going to affect her. Her freshman year, her junior. I just want to protect. I don't want to add injury to injury. I want to make sure that we're not doing that. [00:14:24] Speaker C: And she very clearly said yesterday, like, I can understand the words where I can understand. So I felt like when she left. [00:14:37] Speaker B: Yesterday, she didn't seem upset. [00:14:38] Speaker C: She didn't seem upset at all. And I, based on kind of those comments, felt like she hears what we're trying to say and that we're trying to help. I don't know if that's really how she felt. I'm not sure, but no. [00:15:00] Speaker A: I really don't know what to say other than I need to think about this. I've worried about it since she was five. I worry about today, I worry about tomorrow. And Lord willing, I worry about when she's 40 or 50 and has children of her own, doesn't go away, that. [00:15:31] Speaker B: She'S on a journey of healing, not going backwards and not getting stuck, but that she's actually moving forward with counseling. [00:15:40] Speaker A: Well, that's what I was going to say. I've already called her counselor, and I called for both children, so we'll be seeing them her twice this week instead of once. And I'm very thankful and grateful that she's Christian counselor and very understanding of the children and their know. Like I said, the first time I heard Gracie use the term sexual abuse was yesterday in the car on the way home. That was the very first time. And that was coming from what she said was someone had told someone that she had been sexually abused. And that person approached her and asked her, and she said, my dad had touched me inappropriately. Somebody translated it as what I think. [00:16:36] Speaker B: And we did not use that word. [00:16:38] Speaker A: No right at all. [00:16:40] Speaker B: We kept it really vague. [00:16:41] Speaker A: Like I said, I just need to think about it, because I have never told her that's what it was or I've never heard her say. And that's where her confusion comes from, because she's not old enough to understand. And I think what might be happening is I'm thinking that if even her most trusted confidants, they're worried or they talk to one person. That just happens. It's not wrong, it happens. And then they're hearing it third party from perhaps an older person who does interpret it appropriately for what it is. We can put a label on it, but even some older kids not I feel like that's how it's become. [00:17:26] Speaker B: You're probably right. Several parents have gone I mean, several. [00:17:30] Speaker A: Kids have gone to their parents and said, I'm worried about her. She was touched inappropriately by her dad. Or I'm worried because some of her closest friends, he creeps me out. Even they have had concerns. So I believe that what might be happening is the children are being overhearing the label, which is even more confusing because Gracie doesn't even understand that label other than the Lord made procreation for children and husband and wife, and a. [00:18:09] Speaker B: Lot of them don't. [00:18:10] Speaker A: And I think that's where the disconnect comes in because I think some it may not be coming straight from a parent. Like after they've said it may be actually coming back, that or they've overheard a conversation between mom and mom on a phone. Right. And then they hear the term. Because I wondered about that myself since in the last week, but yesterday was the very first time that I have ever heard her use the term. And she was telling me about the situation here at school, and she said one of the persons that they've talked to actually came to me and said that they heard I was sexually abused and they were sorry. And she said I was like, what? Well, my dad touched me inappropriately. So it's kind of like it's getting a blanket term because we do have a label for it. But they don't. [00:19:08] Speaker B: But they don't. [00:19:09] Speaker A: So how I don't really know how. That's why I said I never think about this and pray because I don't know how to, and I don't either. [00:19:18] Speaker B: It's so hard. I mean, I think one thing maybe for Gracie to hear from you is. [00:19:22] Speaker A: That. [00:19:27] Speaker B: Her peers are eleven years old. They're not ready to talk about this, even though she needs to. And obviously at this age, peers is a place that you go. She needs to understand that right now for processing through this, her peers are not a safe place. Not that they intend to harm her, but they don't understand and they don't know what to do with it, so they end up doing something that inadvertently hurts her. [00:19:52] Speaker A: So are there people here that are there's peers that are actually because Gracie tells me that all she's told is her most trusted friends, two or three. [00:20:01] Speaker B: But it's gone bigger than that. [00:20:03] Speaker A: But what I'm saying is I believe Gracie. I believe it's gone out and coming back to her. I don't believe it's been Gracie. [00:20:16] Speaker B: Well, that one boy. [00:20:17] Speaker A: We didn't obviously I'm going to check. [00:20:20] Speaker B: Her phone tonight, but Hudson Miller said. [00:20:24] Speaker C: That he texted her direct that she texted him directly. [00:20:30] Speaker B: He was very upset. [00:20:32] Speaker A: They're all worried about her. They're all worried about her, and that worries me. To see them worried is absolutely heartbreaking to me. The primary is bad, the secondary and the tertiary, and the corner is just right. [00:20:51] Speaker B: Well, and they don't know how to process right. [00:20:53] Speaker A: But see, what she told me was that one of her friends told him in text, and then he came to her at crew while she was passing out programs, and that was where he asked her. So that's why I wanted to see her phone, because Gracie is embarrassed. She's embarrassed, and that's part of what she's dealing with, is embarrassment. And I don't think she would have told just told him that. [00:21:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:24] Speaker A: But I do think I know who did. Okay. I think I even may have heard that. But like I said, I just need to think about things. [00:21:37] Speaker B: I don't want to do anything more than we did yesterday, because the more we do something about it, the more people talk about it. [00:21:49] Speaker A: Gracie was enjoying it being quieter. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Right. But I think all we did was let her know that this was happening, because it was happening before we talked to you know what I mean? I guess some kids were talking about at the play. I don't know, but several people heard about it over the weekend enough that. [00:22:09] Speaker C: I got three calls. [00:22:12] Speaker A: I wouldn't doubt that was where she said that he came up to her when she was handing out programs Saturday night, which she was, because I walked up on that her handing out the program, and she said, he said, I heard you were sexually abused by your father. [00:22:30] Speaker B: He said that she texted somebody else know. [00:22:35] Speaker A: And you know what? I'm not condemning any of the children for doing that at all. Me either, at all. But I just know that Gracie is. So I know there's been a couple that are more free to use that term, the label. [00:22:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:57] Speaker A: I need to pray best, protect her. It's better for me to think 24 hours about things, and then the answers come in the morning. It seems like I get it, because. [00:23:06] Speaker B: I thinking about it all day yesterday and today. [00:23:10] Speaker A: I really don't know. The heartbreaking part is it's her truth. It's who she is. So she's having to deal with that. [00:23:27] Speaker B: Right. And as an adult, she'll be in a world where she can say that more freely, but she can't right now, and that's not fair to her. But that is reality that her peers can't handle. [00:23:42] Speaker A: It. One of the other things I think that increases it is when I know increases it is the children are alarmed when they see Aaron, and they get upset, and they try to protect her. It makes me upset. And also, you've got great friends, but it's like, this is, again, primary, secondary, tertiary. And I talked to Erin about that after Saturday night, and just, you know, we need to establish some healthy boundaries for everyone involved because there's ripple effects right now, and it's just something that needs to be not argued or plus just accepted so the kids can be know because it's not normal. And the healthy boundary was just stay back a little bit and let them don't let everybody get but he's because Maggie was right in the middle of that, and they were all so concerned about Gracie, and I was like, everything's, you know, the oompa loompas came off the stage. Is everything okay? I'm like, everything's fine. Everything's fine. Then I started making pictures of them and trying to distract, let's get our mind back on. But I just don't have an answer. I don't have an answer today. I don't have an answer, but it's affecting Grant, too, so I don't yeah. [00:25:24] Speaker B: Well, I hope you can. What our hearts are and what we were trying to do. I almost just wanted to catch her in the holiday. I just don't want to make it. [00:25:39] Speaker C: Worse. [00:25:41] Speaker B: But I just want her to. [00:25:43] Speaker C: Know how much we care about her. [00:25:44] Speaker B: And our heart is only true. And I thought she knew that yesterday. [00:25:50] Speaker A: She's afraid she's in trouble for talking to anybody. [00:25:54] Speaker C: Really clear that she wasn't. [00:25:55] Speaker B: No, but I did advise her to be. [00:25:58] Speaker A: That's her concern. That's being afraid. [00:26:01] Speaker B: Yeah. None of this is her fault. [00:26:05] Speaker A: No. [00:26:07] Speaker B: And it's not her fault that her peers aren't ready to hear it, but it's the reality, and she needs to understand that. [00:26:13] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. [00:26:14] Speaker B: I feel like these are adult concepts that she can't figure that out on her own. [00:26:20] Speaker A: No, she doesn't understand right. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Or that this has longer term implications. [00:26:26] Speaker A: For herself and for yeah. I just feel I feel at a said it's affecting Grant too. So what's going on here at school is affecting him that terribly. [00:26:56] Speaker B: You mean what's going on with Gracie is affecting Grant? [00:27:00] Speaker A: Yeah, he's fine with Grant. I don't want to put words in Grant's mouth, but he's fine with everything else that's happened, but I'm just going to reserve my thoughts on that. But I don't believe Gracie is telling people I'm going to talk to her again today. But Gracie is very truthful child. But what I'm hearing is that you don't want her to talk to about it, to talk to anyone about it other than you don't want her to talk to more people about it, is what I'm hearing. You saying? [00:27:42] Speaker C: Well, because I think for her yeah, for one, I think it's to protect her, but two is. [00:27:52] Speaker B: Where kids are at spiritually. [00:27:55] Speaker C: Right. And so to even say the world and I'm not saying that it's wrong at all, but that may still be, like, shocking. [00:28:09] Speaker A: Yes. [00:28:10] Speaker C: And so I'm with Rona. I feel like she has to have a thought to talk. I've always said that she needs a safe place. [00:28:21] Speaker B: She does and holding it in is the worst thing she can do. Right. [00:28:26] Speaker C: But the maturity level of an eleven year old versus her peers versus an adult is really different because I just don't think that they know what to do with that. [00:28:38] Speaker A: Well, they don't. [00:28:39] Speaker C: And then it spins out of control. [00:28:41] Speaker B: For most of them, even the thought of it is a new concept. [00:28:45] Speaker A: Right. That is what brought us here to begin with. That she, in her aging process started to have confliction and confusion about what had happened, what was currently happening, what was not being stopped when she asked for it to be stopped. And what is this? And why do I feel weird, dirty, alone? Why do I feel like something's wrong with me? So that's her trying to process what we know is a label, what she doesn't understand. So you've got that. And I think it just became I don't know how it could have not become, but sure, I mean, I completely understand. Just need to I know, you know, that's why we had wasn't exactly the order of moves we intended to make, but that's why the moves had to be made for both kids. [00:29:50] Speaker B: Are you still in communication with Aaron? [00:29:53] Speaker A: I actually talked to him last night and forwarded your email. He said he was going to ask you to call. So yes, we do. It didn't work out exactly as we prayed, but with the Lord, all things. [00:30:15] Speaker B: Not terrible either, right? [00:30:16] Speaker A: Yeah, it's drained. But the kids are doing well. Other than what we're talking about right now. You have to consider in the world that we know, they're both well. Grant's not been out for three days, but we're just walking through and transitioning to what the kids are with me, we're just walking through and transitioning and I've got them in counseling and we're making sure that we're taking the right steps and making sure the right people are involved. [00:31:05] Speaker B: How do you handle and now that a few people know, what are you going to say if somebody says something to you? How can we as all a group help contain this? Definitely willing to take any advice. [00:31:20] Speaker A: The counselor and I do think some of them I do think this is me because I know kids talk. That happens, kids talk, but I do because I sense on my own, I stay quiet, stay to myself. Even at sports game, I like to sit by myself because I like to watch the game, but I love everybody. I can just tell that I've had more adults approach me specifically about that, where I'm going, just what can we do? Pray. We're fine. Just pray. But I could know that it's either coming from it's coming from somewhere outside of me and us. Right. Some of the information might be correct, some of it may not be correct, but it all comes back to the same labeled sexual abuse at all. So I think the nature of the. [00:32:16] Speaker B: Topic walk through the next years without. [00:32:18] Speaker A: Being and it really argues and this. [00:32:21] Speaker C: May sound like a really dumb, but how did Gracie actually that may sound really stupid. No, it just kind of dawned on me that maybe she views it as being very therapeutic or helpful for mean we make the assumption that she's not. [00:32:46] Speaker B: Okay with it, but maybe we gracie. [00:32:49] Speaker A: Is okay to talk to her if her closer friends, Sydney, Olivia and their parents know. So it's not like it's more like a healthy healing environment type thing. That's okay. I thought that was great, but past that but past that, somebody may say something, but you will see her body language. She'll distract and start something else. She doesn't not own it, I guess, but she also doesn't care to discuss it. Okay, so she's not upfront that she has fear of her dad or that she has been through some things. She's very proud of herself for being tough, so she feels God has been very good to her and strengthened her. But on the flip side of that, she's becoming red faced when someone said something, and then she moves on, and that's why she said it well, and they care so much. And that's what worries me is I know that there's a secondary effect and a tertiary effect to this because I lived that for five years. I still do. I see the effect it has on other people, and I tend to try to isolate and keep that encapsulated as much as possible because of that, the effect it has on other people. So how I just I think that too, that because of the topic that it is that if a parent does hear, it's so upsetting. And we are in a Christian environment, and it is doubly upsetting, triply upsetting in any environment, but especially here and also because of what it is, it is something that somebody wants to say. Like, I'll call Amy and go, did you know? Oh, my goodness, I'm so upset. I'm worried about her. And it's in a good, loving heart, but it becomes exactly I don't know. I except I pray and I'll pray even harder for the Lord to do you more than we can imagine. But I've also will talk to Counselor Gracie. I'll talk to Gracie this afternoon. But speaking of that, it bothered I didn't want to make Huddy feel bad Saturday, right? So see, but when he said that to me, I was she so and plus, it was opposite sex, so they don't get all that. But she kind of does, kind of so it was like, I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings if they want to say they feel bad for me or they're praying for me or what can I do for you? But I also don't want to talk about it. And it just shocked me because I didn't know anybody had told him so I'm not sure how. I really don't care how it got to that's how she feels. Red face. Yeah. And I don't know how to do that without addressing it. Getting out in front of everybody and addressing it full out publicly. It doesn't work that way with this. [00:36:19] Speaker B: Right, it doesn't. And then you don't want to tell somebody that doesn't know. I don't want to bring a lie to it when people don't know, but. [00:36:32] Speaker A: It'S almost like a lighter when somebody hears it's a fire. Yeah. It's not so I don't know how have you asked other Christian schools how they handle I haven't, but I've thought. [00:36:43] Speaker B: About calling Rockhouse and to talk to them or Day Star. [00:36:47] Speaker A: I think it would be great to know from a school perspective what they've done, and then we'll do our part and then we see counselor on Thursday at 02:00. So I need to get her out a little early. And we'll see them at two, and then we also see them again Friday night for totally, like, fun night. But I specifically made the appointment on Thursday to help with their school environment because it's their school home. That's what I told her. And I just let them go in and talk to her. I don't give her a heads up or anything, but I can also ask how any advice? I'll reach out to Dave and I have a counselor myself, a Christian counselor, and I meet with her next Tuesday. And I can also ask her what she's been doing this for years and sees a lot of children and she's very wise. I'll also ask her what kinds of things can be done or are done or has she seen that work? I can't get any quicker to her than that, but I can ask. [00:37:54] Speaker B: I think we're stabilized right now. I hope nobody else is talking about it. [00:38:03] Speaker A: He's taking toll on I hide a lot. I took the grays and I'm tired and I didn't try to get fixed up for you guys today because but we're in the battle. It's wearing but it's not worth it. It's God's plan. I don't know how to I hate I hate no. Anybody looks at Gracie and says, there's the little girl that sexually abused. [00:38:31] Speaker B: And that's what I don't know. [00:38:33] Speaker A: And it's already happened across the board. It's already happening and it's killing me. But. [00:38:56] Speaker C: We want her to be able to return. [00:38:58] Speaker A: Well, let me talk to the counselor. Let me talk to next Tuesday. I'll talk to Gracie too. Pray, see what you find out from maybe other even at one point I thought about homeschooling her to protect her. I'm a terrible homeschooler. [00:39:34] Speaker C: I think I would be. [00:39:39] Speaker B: Definitely calling. [00:39:40] Speaker A: Yeah, I do not have that Jean or this one for it. But I did. I thought about that too, and then I thought, well, she'll miss her. The development, the friendship, the fun. Yeah, the fun. And that's part. Of it, too, is they love her so much, and I know Hudson loves her so much, and they worry and just like she would be worried about her friend. If I wonder if this is just off the total top of my head. Okay. But I wonder if this is really right off the top of my head. So let's don't think but I wonder if a program to help the adults because it happens everywhere. [00:40:30] Speaker C: Sure. [00:40:31] Speaker A: Right. Yeah. Middle school or slim or high school or younger. Unfortunately, it's the way of life. So I wonder if a program that actually didn't we do that with something else? [00:40:46] Speaker B: Yes. [00:40:46] Speaker A: And we have some what did we do? Yeah, what did we do? We did one on so people could be more open or understand how to discuss or as I really feel like it becomes like parents don't know how to talk about it. It's shocking to them, the ages. They just rather it not be there. But it's really a part of life. That's just a thought that just popped into my head, where I was like, I wonder if we addressed it, it could address it at a high level. I'll ask Jstar about that, and then maybe it ripples back down, because I have noticed, like, I could almost pinpoint what kids have gone home and sit because of the way the parents either worried or talked to me or talked to someone else, and I'm too busy with everything else, so I stay out of everybody's business. But I've just noticed, and I wonder if some of it's not coming from because I know that label had to come from an adult. It has to. It has to because I was even asked about that in court last Wednesday. How does Gracie know that term? Does she know that term? I said not to my knowledge. I have never heard her say that term, which is part of the reason she is so confused. And I know that she has yet to address that term in counseling, because they've just been talking really openly and also teaching her how to calm herself or be able to come back together and all kinds of little coping skills. So I know it's not come from there. So I'm thinking after that to something like that would have to come from an adult. And the first person I heard it from was Scott Parsley's attorney. He was the first person that put a label on what I said. She told me what I said that she had told me at a young age that had happened to her. I just reported I didn't put a label on it that didn't have a label on it until it was in court. And he stood up and said, Suspect abuse. And I was like, well, yeah, it is. But my description of it was not a label. I think it has to be coming from and I don't know how you handle that either. And children over here, I try to have all my conversations before anything that has to be talked about, because it also makes her nervous or upsets or worries. I have them during school hours to take care of everything then, and I'm very careful with any conversation. I usually am not on my phone after I pick them up because I just don't want any worries or concerns. But I know of one situation in particular, that it was just overheard in the family, and that's how she found out about it. So I know that happened, but I'll talk to her. [00:43:52] Speaker B: If you think of. [00:43:53] Speaker A: Anything and if you all find out anything or you want to. Yeah, I don't know how. I mean, she's already kind of becoming that. [00:44:04] Speaker B: We want to do everything we can. [00:44:08] Speaker C: Whatever that looks like. [00:44:11] Speaker A: Yeah. All right. Sounds good. Okay. If anything happens, you all give me a fuz if you need me to come down, if you need anything. I'll be here as quick as I can. [00:44:25] Speaker C: Okay. [00:44:26] Speaker A: Thank you. I'm glad I parked way down there by I parked by middle school. Yeah. [00:44:36] Speaker C: So. [00:44:39] Speaker A: How are you? [00:44:40] Speaker B: How are you? [00:44:41] Speaker A: Jenny house. It's good. It's.

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