Episode 29

May 29, 2023


People like Jesus. They don’t like Christians, according to recent Barna survey

Hosted by

Eric Bonetti
People like Jesus. They don’t like Christians, according to recent Barna survey
Anglican Watch: Unofficial Watchdog of the Episcopal Church
People like Jesus. They don’t like Christians, according to recent Barna survey

May 29 2023 | 00:02:50


Show Notes

There’s good and bad news for Christians in the most recent Barna survey of attitudes toward religion. 

The good news is that people appreciate Jesus, with 71% of Americans saying they like Jesus. Tellingly, 70 percent of millennials express appreciation for Jesus—the highest level among all cohorts. And this number has remained constant over several decades, with only negligible declines during that time. That’s important because as mainline Christianity and the Episcopal church collapse, the message of Jesus remains essential for Americans.


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